Nigerian Federation News Report Series: Borno State Government Relations With Other States [2020 Decade]

Nigerian Federation News Report Series: Borno State Government Relations With Other States [2020 Decade] is a reliable assessment which documents, promotes and celebrates the positive relations and contributions between Borno State and other Nigerian states.

This independent study by PositiveNaija serves as a monitoring tool to reveal the progress as well as practical relevance of true federalism based on how Nigerian states are collaborating or partnering or investing with each other in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Donations are excluded in this study.

Based on the core values of integrity, accountability, progress and excellence, the goals of this study therefore include the promotion of the following:

  • Good governance – visionary, positive, responsive and impactful political interactions leadership.
  • Equitable, innovative and sustainable development.

Nigerian Federation News Report Series: Borno State Government Relations With Other States [2020 Decade]

Nigerian Federation News Report Series: Borno State Government Relations With Other States [2020 Decade]

No available information or data.


No available information or data.


AKWA IBOM STATE (Land of Promise)

No available information or data.


ANAMBRA STATE (Light of the Nation)

No available information or data.


BAUCHI STATE (Pearl of Tourism)

No available information or data.


BAYELSA STATE (Glory of all Lands)

No available information or data.


BENUE STATE (Food Basket of the Nation)

No available information or data.


BORNO STATE (Home of Peace)

Not applicable.


Cross River state (The People’s Paradise)

No available information or data.


Delta state (The Big Heart)

No available information or data.


Ebonyi state (Salt of the Nation)

No available information or data.


Edo state (Heartbeat of The Nation)

No available information or data.


Ekiti state (Land of Honour and Integrity)

No available information or data.


Enugu state (Coal City State)

No available information or data.


Gombe state (Jewel of the Savannah)

No available information or data.


Imo state (Eastern Heartland)

No available information or data.


Jigawa state (The New World)

No available information or data.


Kaduna state (Centre of Learning)

No available information or data.


Kano state (Centre of Commerce)

  • October 2020: The Borno State government has partnered with the Kano State government to borrow a leaf from the Kano State AgroPastoral Development Project (KSADP) to replicate Rural Grazing Area (RUGA) settlement project in the state.


Katsina state (Home of Hospitality)

No available information or data.


Kebbi state (Land of Equity)

No available information or data.


Kogi state (The Confluence State)

No available information or data.


Kwara state (State of Harmony)

No available information or data.


Lagos state (Centre of Excellence)

No available information or data.


Nasarawa state (Home of Solid Minerals)

No available information or data.


Niger state (The Power State)

No available information or data.


Ogun state (Gateway State)

No available information or data.


Ondo state (Sunshine State)

No available information or data.


Osun state (Land of Virtue)

No available information or data.


Oyo state (Pace Setter State)

No available information or data.


Plateau state (Home of Peace and Tourism)

No available information or data.


Rivers state (Treasure Base of the Nation)

No available information or data.


Sokoto state (Seat of the Caliphate)

No available information or data.


Taraba state (Nature’s Gift to the Nation)

No available information or data.


Yobe state (Pride of the Sahel)

No available information or data.


Zamfara state (Farming is Our Pride)

No available information or data.





Question of the Day: Which sector or area of development are you impressed or satisfied with in this state?


Research credits

*This work [Nigerian Federation News Report Series: Borno State Government Relations With Other States (2020 Decade)] was first researched, written and poster designed by Toju Micheal Ogbe – without interference or sponsorship by the featured countries.

Supported by:

*The research series is open for suggestion, donation, sponsorship, collaboration or partnership (+2349064503292).

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