PositiveNaija Q&A Forum

PositiveNaija Q&A Forum is a question-and-answer platform focused on constructive discussions on the development of Nigeria and Nigerians.

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Birthdays & Memorials

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Dr. F. G. A. Ogbe - 2019 EditionIn honor of Dr. Freedom G. Akinjide Ogbe on his birthday4 Topics · 40 PostsLast post: Section 2: Culture · 5 years ago · PositiveNaija
2020 Martha Ameh Crossword EventIn honor of the life of Mrs. Martha Ameh2 Topics · 15 PostsLast post: Crossword Puzzle · 5 years ago · Owosina Samuel Kayode
2020 Sunny Ojiya Photograph EventIn honor of the life of Mr. Sunny Ojiya2 Topics · 8 PostsLast post: Photograph Collage · 5 years ago · PositiveNaija
Dr. F. G. A. Ogbe - 2020 EditionIn honor of Dr. Freedom G. Akinjide Ogbe on his birthday4 Topics · 42 PostsLast post: Section 3: Nation-building in Nige … · 4 years ago · PositiveNaija
2022 Cliff Agba Art ContestIn honor of Mr. Cliff Izuchukwu Agba on his birthday.6 Topics · 67 PostsLast post: May: Drawing · 3 years ago · PositiveNaija
Mrs. Felicia Ighoroje Memorial 2022To recognise, honor and celebrate the life, work and legacy of Mrs. Felicia Ighoroje.2 Topics · 46 PostsLast post: November 2022 · 2 years ago · Marcelo494
2022 Desmond Osayamwen MemorialTo recognise and celebrate the life of Mr. Desmond Osayamwen.2 Topics · 34 PostsLast post: September 2022 · 2 years ago · Adegboyega Jeremiah
Mrs. Felicia Ighoroje Memorial 2023To recognise, honor and celebrate the life, work and legacy of Mrs. Felicia Ighoroje.3 Topics · 65 PostsLast post: Crossword Challenge · 1 year ago · Adegboyega Jeremiah
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