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Section 2: Sustainable Energy

The online debate session is aimed at promoting a healthy and open critical-thinking or independent thinking culture as well as conversations towards understanding sustainable energy especially peculiar to the Nigerian society.

Reward: ₦5,000 cash prize for this section (only 1st position).

The debate topic for this section will be posted below by 8:30 PM on the 6th of August, 2020.

8:30 PM - 8:41:00 PM

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Natural gas is a clean energy source.

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google within 24 hours for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292

It is very safe as it non poisonous to the environment.

Good Evening and All protocols duly observed
I’d like to begin by defining sustainable as the energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. I believe Sustainable energy is the practice of using energy in a way that "meets the needs of the present even without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

In addition, When people talk about energy and natural gas, opinions differ. Is it harmful to the environment, or the last great clean energy source? Perhaps we shouldn't ask whether natural gas is a good source of energy, but instead examine what makes a good energy source in the first place

So what is natural gas, anyway? Natural gas, like oil and coal, is a fossil fuel, formed deep below the surface of the earth. Scientists believe that natural gas, much like oil, formed millions of years ago when the remains of ancient plants and animals broke down under pressure and heat. The decaying matter formed gas, which got trapped in porous rocks in areas that were later covered with harder rocks.
I strongly believe Natural gas is a clean energy alternative.

It burns more cleanly than other fossil fuels, emitting lower levels of harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides. It produces less greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels do. It doesn't produce ash or particulates that cause health problems. It’s not as clean as renewable energy sources such as wind or solar, but because it’s abundant, relatively inexpensive and easy to use, many consider it a stop-gap measure as society makes the transition to other energy sources.

In conclusion, Many Opinions tend to run the gamut on natural gas and the cleanest ways to use it, but almost everyone can agree that it's eco-friendly

Good evening to you panel of judges, ever effective admin, fellow contestants, my well informed audiences, distinguish ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Abraham Uwe Esang debating against the topic that “Natural gas is a clean energy source”

Natural gas is Models predicted that the world will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.” – NASA Earth observatory


Heating of natural gases invent carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas emitter that act as a chief contributor to global warming, which reach its apex in 2012. Scientists reveal that the effect of global warming on earth is extensive. In the Arctic and Antarctica for instance, warmer temperatures are melting down the ice, increasing the sea levels and changing the structure of the periphery sea water. Increasing sea levels effects on cities,towns, agriculture, fishing etc. Air pollution is the main consequence of using fossil fuels, causing smog in countries like China and India, deterioration of human health and plant development. Here are the negative effect on the world caused by fossil fuels, most especially coal and oil. There is also the continuing imminent danger of oil spills that destroy ecosystems and the effect of mining on ecosystem vitality.


Allowing natural gases to be in the ground will be very good for everyone.  " To deliver a 50% probability (which is not exactly reassuring) of no more than 2C of warming this century, the world would have to leave two-thirds of its fossil fuel reserves unexploited. I should point out that reserves are just a small fraction of resources (which means all the minerals in the Earth’s crust). The reserve is that proportion of a mineral resource which has been discovered, quantified and is viable to exploit in current conditions: in other words that’s good to go…. a third of the world’s oil reserves, half its gas reserves and 80% of its coal reserves must be left untouched to avert extremely dangerous levels of global warming. 2C is dangerous enough; at present we are on course for around 5C by the time the century ends, with no obvious end in sight beyond 2100.” (George Monbiot, The Guardian, 2015)


“The major thrust of climate-change claims is that man is destroying the planet. There is much evidence to show that we are the greatest burden that Earth has to bear. To simply rape the earth of all its fossil-fuels would be gross folly.” (Dr. Peter Langdon) Natural gases are not renewable. Once they are gone, you can't have them back. Renewable energy can meet energy demands in a unique and reliable way.

There’s no shortage of Sustainable energy from the sun, wind and water and even stuff usually thought of as garbage — dead trees, tree branches, yard clippings, left-over crops, sawdust, even livestock manure, can produce electricity and fuels — resources collectively called ‘biomass’… The sunlight … in one day contains more than twice the energy we consume in an entire year. … Clean energy sources can be harnessed to produce electricity, process heat, fuel and valuable chemicals with less impact on the environment.”  (California Energy Commission 2006)


Already many countries in the world are pledging to a future that will be strengthen by Sustainable energy. For instance, Germany, now produced 25 % of its electricity from renewables energy and the are aspiring for 80 % by 2050. Spain’s obtain electricity in 2013 from wind power, ahead of nuclear, coal and gas. Sustainable energy provide 42 % of mainland Spain’s electricity in the same year. In 2012 China’s wind power supply soar more than generation from coal. Rising economies like South Africa, China and Brazil are making the wave for renewable energies. Investments in renewables energy from these economies was US$112 billion in 2012, which is close to the US$132 billion that developed countries invested.


Rising economies do not demand to go through a path of depending on natural gases. Just like many developing countries left land lines and went down to cellular telephones, these countries are jumping into a more cheaper clean energy. Many countries in the world are already taken advantage of the benefits of Sustainable energy and acknowledge the long-term benefits. For example, in Uganda less than 15 percent of a population of 38 million citizen, have access to electricity. The majority of the citizen depend on kerosene or charcoal for their energy and light, both of which are costly and environmentally harmful. Yet, the population is grabbing the potential for a clean and unique energy alternatives being encouraged within the country.


Intermittency is a problem at the moment as the technology is adding up day by day, but it can be handled by thinking about the whole energy system. Over dependent on one renewable technology could cause a huge variability in output over short time periods. The way round this is by spreading a portfolio of generation united by a wide grid and clean gas on standby. "Yes, backup generation ups the overall price, but it’s cheaper than having half the planet die of climate-induced starvation” (Quora.com)


Many Sustainable energy technologies are scalable, and the challenges concerning land, noise and animal welfare can be surmount. Doing so need a new, far more simple, energy system with a brand new technologies and new initiative tools. " The really fun bit will come when electric vehicles and demand-side-management become a mainstream reality. Finally, we would have the beginnings of a sustainable energy system.”


The land meant for Sustainable energy activities, can also be used for cattle grazing and farming activities. International research has indicated that livestock are totally unaffected by the presence of renewable energy activities like the wind farm etc. A frequent debate against wind farms is that they frequently eliminate birds and bats. Nevertheless, if environmental impact assessments are examine and environment bird population model are also examine before construction take effect, elimination of birds can be avoided totally. It is important  that these assessments are done to improve the safety of these local birds and bats.


In my conclusion, it is our obligation to approach alternative power. Nevertheless, we should not forget that low-cost electricity generation is very important to the economy. It propagate income and employment in all level, the buying power of the consumer, and makes exportation effectively competitive. Sustainable energy absolutely can increase a conventional power, and its benefit will probably conti

Good Evening and All protocols duly observed
I’d like to begin by defining sustainable as the energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.I strongly believe Sustainable energy is the practice of using energy in a way that "meets the needs of the present even without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
When people talk about energy and natural gas, opinions differ. Is it harmful to the environment, or the last great clean energy source? Perhaps we shouldn't ask whether natural gas is a good source of energy, but instead examine what makes a good energy source in the first place
So what is natural gas, anyway? Natural gas, like oil and coal, is a fossil fuel, formed deep below the surface of the earth. Scientists believe that natural gas, much like oil, formed millions of years ago when the remains of ancient plants and animals broke down under pressure and heat. The decaying matter formed gas, which got trapped in porous rocks in areas that were later covered with harder rocks.
I strongly believe Natural gas is a clean energy alternative.
It burns more cleanly than other fossil fuels, emitting lower levels of harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides. It produces less greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels do. It doesn't produce ash or particulates that cause health problems. It’s not as clean as renewable energy sources such as wind or solar, but because it’s abundant, relatively inexpensive and easy to use, many consider it a stop-gap measure as society makes the transition to other energy sources.
In conclusion, Many Opinions tend to run the gamut on natural gas and the cleanest ways to use it, but almost everyone can agree that it's eco-friendly

And I mistakenly deleted everything I've been typing.. I'm in pains

I stand for the notion that natural gas is a clean source of energy. My reasons are;

Natural gas serves a a effectively clean burning fossil fuel. Burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy.

Natural gas produces more energy than any of the fossil fuels. It has a 92% efficiency rate from wellhead to home, compared to electricity generated by coal, which operates at only a 32% efficiency rate.(igs.com) The natural gas is also cost effective.

Now taking a look at the what comes from our waste disposal system. What comes from excreta, the natural gas sources from this. The gas emitted from this can be recycled to the cooking fuel, the gas. This is very cost effective and reduces emissions of green house gases unlike other gases.

Apart from its use as a direct source of energy, natural gas is being used in a number of other ways that are helping America’s quest for clean energy. According to the AGA, natural gas is not only used by electric utilities to make cleaner energy, but its molecular disposition makes it usable to create green materials such as light weight cars. The methane in natural gas is being used to make hydrogen power. Given all it does, it can be hard to believe that this versatile natural resource is still the same blue flame that heats your home.

I hope this proves that natural gas is a clean source of energy.



Natural gas has many qualities that make it an efficient, relatively clean burning, and economical energy source.Natural gas is the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon, producing around half the carbon dioxide (CO2) and just one tenth of the air pollutants of coal when burnt to generate electricity.It is abundant, If consumption remained at today’s levels, there would be enough recoverable gas resources to last around 230 years.
It is versatile. A gas-fired power station takes much less time to start and stop than a coal-fired plant. This flexibility makes natural gas a good partner to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, which are only available when the sun shines and the wind blows. Natural gas flaring produces CO2, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and many other compounds, depending on the chemical composition of the natural gas and on how well the natural gas burns in the flare.

"Fire made us-fossil fuels made us modern. But now,we need a new fire which makes us safe, secure and healthy". Ladies and gentlemen, the devastating effects of fossil fuels on our environment is an alarming issue which we must tackle with immediate effect. My name is Roland Okoyo and I am here to support the motion which states that natural gas is a clean energy source.

Natural gas is the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon. It is abundant and versatile, helping meet growing demand for energy globally, and able to partner with renewable energy sources. We cool natural gas to liquid for easy shipping to energy-hungry places, and we convert it to make lower-emission fuels and other products.

We should strive to encourage this energy source for it is the safest measure through which our daily needs can be realised.

Quote from dejt4u on August 6, 2020, 8:39:56 PM

And I mistakenly deleted everything I've been typing.. I'm in pains

Sorry about that.

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google within 24 hours for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292

Good Evening, Admin..... Due to my network my submission was made twice, i don't know if the submission will be accessed.....It was my network that caused the double submission, though still the same write up. And i don't know how to delete a post on the forum currently. Thanks!!!

Quote from PositiveNaija on August 6, 2020, 8:43:37 PM
Quote from dejt4u on August 6, 2020, 8:39:56 PM

And I mistakenly deleted everything I've been typing.. I'm in pains

Sorry about that.


The winner of this section is Oyinlola Abosede.

Congratulations and thanks to everyone that participated.

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google within 24 hours for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292

Wow.... I'm humbled

Thanks a lot!!!

Quote from Oyinlola on August 6, 2020, 10:15:22 PM

Wow.... I'm humbled

Thanks a lot!!!

You are welcome.

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google within 24 hours for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292

Prize received and acknowledged

Thank you

Thank you Oyinlola for your participation and prize confirmations.

Congratulations again!

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google within 24 hours for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292