Tony Okeke Wins HESI 2023 GTTC Professional Development Award

Tony Okeke has been selected as a GTTC Professional Development 2023 award winner by a Washington, DC, USA-based nonprofit organisation, Health and Environmental Sciences Institute, HESI, Genetic Toxicology Technical Committee, GTTC.

Tony, an NNPC science quiz champion was given the award in recognition of his strides in the last four years of his study as a Biomedical Engineering student at Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

HESI has a mission to collaboratively identify and help resolve global health and environmental challenges through the engagement of scientists from academia, government, industry, clinical practice, research institutes and NGOs.

As a winner of the award, Tony will receive funds and be afforded the opportunity to attend relevant scientific conferences, workshops, training courses, etc. to build core competencies and transferable skills and or share their research, and be availed with another related opportunity that contributes to professional development.

The award also provides Tony the opportunity to join the HESI community to learn about emerging projects and science at HESI.

It is also an open invitation for Tony Okeke to attend the 2024 GTTC Annual Meeting to learn about current GTTC projects and network with and gain insight from, experts in the genetic toxicology field.

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