Emelife Stella Chinelo Sets Record At University of Mysore, India

Emelife Stella Chinelo, a 28-year-old has topped the University of Mysore in MSc Chemistry receiving 20 gold medals and five cash prizes, the highest ever in post-graduation studies, during the university’s 99th convocation in India.

She received the maximum Gold medals available in the institution. Nobody in the history of that university have ever won 20 gold medals.

The University of Mysore has over 1,000 foreign students, pursuing under-graduate and post-graduate courses in colleges affiliated to it and in Manasagangotri.

With an FGP of 8.394%, Sanjana Darla P., a student of M.A. Economics received ten gold medals — the second highest number of gold medals and three cash prizes from the Indian University.

Chinelo also topped at Usmanu Danfodiyo University in Nigeria, where she studied BSc (applied chemistry).

According to Emelife Stella Chinelo:

“I devoted most of my time towards studies. I was either in the classroom or library. The reason why I chose India, especially the UoM, for higher studies is because of its scope for academic excellence.”

Chinelo aims to make a career in teaching in any part of the world. Her mother is also a teacher, while her father is a businessman.

Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), an autonomous organisation of the Government of India, extends her scholarship for her exceptionally strives.

The organization announced on its official page as follows:

“ICCR takes pride in having extended scholarship to Ms. Emelife Stella Chinelo from Nigeria who recd a record 20 Gold Medals & 5 cash awards at the 99th Convo of @MysoreVarsity for her outstanding performance in M.Sc.

We wish her the best.”

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