How Great Is Nigeria! By Udeme Akpan
Arise o compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey… This is the first two lines of the National Anthem of my beloved country, Nigeria. Those words always brighten up my spirit whenever I voice it out or hear a beautiful harmonics of its song being played. I can still remember when I was a child battling with my pharynx in order to master and memorize each lines in its stanzas. Today, those words in the whole anthem planted seeds in my heart that have grown continually and built up patriotism in me which binds Nigerians all over the world.
The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a sovereign and democratic nation located in West Africa. She shares land borders with the republic of Benin in the West, chad and Cameroon in the East, and Niger in the North. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean. This is Africa’s most populated country, as well as the 8th most populated in the world with a populated of over 160 million people. Nigeria is a developing country that struggled through the colonial era, got her independence in 1960 and later became a republic in 1963. All hail this great nation!